
isometric coffee shop

isometric coffee shop

I've fantasized about having my own coffee shop since the time I stayed in New York City for 3 months and became obsessed with them. Every day I would take the N train North every morning from Brooklyn, find a coffee shop to work in during the morning, find a restaurant to have lunch, then find another coffee shop.

A decade later, my coffee obsession hasn't gone anywhere. I have an entire corner of my kitchen dedicated to home barista equipment. The coffee shop fantasy is also still around - I'm still actively working on my "coffee at thiago's" Spotify playlist;

When I started this project my goal was to literally copy this Low-poly coffee shop Dribbble shot. My plan was to learn how to do an isometric scene without following a tutorial, but still have somewhere to copy from in case I got stuck. After I finished, I'd then start a new coffee shop project that I could call my own.

After a long, excruciating time working on this, I decided I didn't want to spend any more time on isometric coffee shops. I've compromised on changing this one just enough so to move it from "blatant copy" to "inspired by" and called it a day.